Dagues des Armées du Reich
Collection de Dagues, poignards et accessoires divers des Armées du Reich.
Collection of Daggers, Daggers and various accessories from the Reich Armies.

Showing 1–20 of 234 results
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 1000 € - 1500 €Dague de la Haute Administration du Reich
Lot 1
Dague de la Haute Administration du Reich Fabrication: "Eickhorn - Solingen". Nominative : "Franz Höller" Taille de la lame : ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 500 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 2
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "A.W.JR - Solingen" Dragonne présente. Taille de la lame : 24cm. - Officer's Dagger ...ViewAuction ended. 330 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 3
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "Alcoso - Solingen" Dragonne présente. A noter, jeu dans la poignée. Taille de la ...ViewAuction ended. 350 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 4
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "Alcoso - Solingen" Jeu dans le manche et usures sur pommeau. Taille de la ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 5
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "C.Gustav Spitzer - Solingen" Dragonne présente. Un anneau remplacé. Taille de la lame : ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 500 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 6
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "Carl Julius Krebs - Solingen" Taille de la lame : 24cm. - Officer's Dagger ...ViewAuction ended. 310 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 500 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 7
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "H.Kolping - Solingen" Dragonne présente. Traces d'usures sur fourreau. Taille de la lame : ...ViewAuction ended. 310 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 8
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "Siegfried - M.B.H. Waffenfabrik- Solingen" Taille de la lame : 25cm - Officer's dagger ...ViewAuction ended. 310 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 500 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 9
Dague d'officier - Heer Fabrication : "Siegfried - Solingen" Dragonne présente. Taille de la lame : 24cm. - Officer's dagger ...ViewAuction ended. 350 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Heer
Lot 10
Dague d'officier - Heer Pas de fabrication lisible. Taille de la lame : 24cm. (usures lame et fourreau) - Officer's ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 12
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Fabrication : "E & F. Horster - Solingen" Lame gravée. Usures dans le bas du fourreau ...ViewAuction ended. 300 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 800 € - 1000 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine – Modèle 1921
Lot 11
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine - Modèle 1921 Fabrication : "E&F Horster - Solingen" Lame gravée avec dragonne. Taille de la ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 13
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Fabrication : "Eickhorn - Solingen" Lame gravée et dragonne présente. Trace d'usures sur fourreau. Taille de ...ViewAuction ended. 310 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 14
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Fabrication : "Eickhorn - Solingen" Lame gravée et personnalisée. Lame et fourreau numérotés : "056" Dragonne ...ViewAuction ended. 510 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 15
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Fabrication : "Eickhorn - Solingen" Lame gravée. Usures sur fourreau, lame et poignée. Taille de la ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 16
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Fabrication : "WKC" Lame gravée et dragonne présente (usures). Taille de la lame : 25cm - ...ViewAuction ended. 520 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 17
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Fabrication : "WKC" Lame gravée et nominative "Moritz" Bélière et dragonne présentes. Taille de la lame ...ViewAuction ended. 320 €
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Kriegsmarine
Lot 18
Dague d'officier - Kriegsmarine Pas de marquage fabricant. Dragonne présente. Usures sur fourreau et dragonne. Taille de la lame : ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 2000 € - 3000 €Dague d’officier Luftwaffe « Prototype »
Lot 19
Dague d'officier Luftwaffe "Prototype" Très Rare dague de présentation pour validation d'un type non retenu par le Maréchal Hermann Göring ...ViewAuction ended
In compliance with article R.645-1, insignia, emblems, badges and medals are masked. You must be registered to view these images
Est. 300 € - 400 €Dague d’officier – Luftwaffe
Lot 20
Dague d'officier - Luftwaffe Fabrication : "E.U.F. Horster - Solingen" Dragonne présente (usure). Taille de la lame : 24cm. - ...ViewAuction ended. 310 €